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Preakness Poltroons

It seems to be all sorted out now (thanks to Marylou Whitney), but the fact that so many wealthy owners seriously considered entering their stable leftovers (completely disregarding the welfare of those horses, who have already demonstrated they aren’t up to taking on this kind of field) to keep Rachel Alexandra out of the Preakness […]

Casting a Long Shadow

The Preakness field is still very much a work in progress, but in addition to Mine That Bird, Musket Man, Papa Clem, Pioneerof the Nile and General Quarters, Friesan Fire is now likely for the race. New shooters Terrain, Big Drama, Take the Points and Hull are planning to meet at Pimlico, and while there’s […]

An Open Letter to Jess Jackson

Dear Mr. Jackson,

Congratulations on your recent purchase of Rachel Alexandra.

No doubt as a fan of the sport, you wanted to see this tremendous filly on a larger stage – and you are in the happy position of being able to make that goal a reality. So, while you have every right as the […]

Road to Baltimore

Yesterday, I suggested we wait and see where Mine That Bird will fit in Kentucky Derby history; today, however, it’s time to recap the weekend’s racing and in that context, his Derby victory is still something to puzzle over.

It goes without saying that there was no greater spectacle in racing than Rachel Alexandra’s utterly […]

In Which We Counsel Patience

More often than not, once the Kentucky Derby result is in the books, it seems obvious in retrospect. Who was going to beat Big Brown? Street Sense was naturally going to win that day, and Barbaro was most assuredly the class of the field.

Sometimes, however, it’s a trickier business. Giacomo? Where did he come […]

With I Want Revenge Out…

I’m now going for Friesan Fire/Papa Clem/Chocolate Candy/General Quarters in my boxed superfecta (although I am not loving the prices on FF/GQ). If Pioneerof the Nile stays at good odds, he’ll get a little support too.

If it stays wet, I’ll also put something on Dunkirk. Hmm…

Quite a surprising start to Derby morning so […]

Kentucky Oaks Semi-liveblog

OK, I’m trying this Bravo business, but I’m flipping back and forth between that and HRTV. I’m afraid the montage of women in hats did not appeal to me. I’m so not good at being a girl. I will say I admire Bethenny Frankel’s boots (although I am no fan of the dress), but that’s […]

2009 Kentucky Derby: On the Record

It’s official – I’ve (almost) made some decisions. Without further ado, here is your official Superfecta Kentucky Derby handicapping exercise for 2009 – as ever, with the note that my recent successes with Smarty Jones and Barbaro are tempered by the fact that my last correctly-predicted winner was Winning Colors in 1988. You have been […]

This Year’s Modest Proposal

In a discussion inspired by Joe Drape’s very interesting article about drugs in racing (legal and otherwise), Mr. Superfecta came up with a novel idea – why not create an event to showcase horses who can prove they are running drug-free? While we initially kicked around the notion of a nice mid-size track (for our […]

In Case of Rain…

It may be Kentucky Oaks Eve, but I seem to be spending most of my time looking at the weather for Saturday. If the predicted deluge does indeed materialize around post time, I’m leaning toward a Friesan Fire/General Quarters/Dunkirk trifecta (even though I’m not otherwise on the Dunkirk bandwagon). However, I could also see a […]