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Redesigns and Recaps

Here at Superfecta HQ, we’ve been busily working away on our redesign; things are finally (more or less) done – we hope you enjoy the new look and feel. If you had any individual posts bookmarked, many will forward to the new site, but a few will get stuck partway through – just hit the […]

Welcome Back?

Like so many promising 2-year-olds before her (Halfbridled, in particular, comes to mind), Stardom Bound (pictured) has had difficulty replicating her early successes; luckily, though, she is being given the opportunity to try her luck at 4. She makes her first start of the year at Santa Anita in the El Encino on Sunday. She […]

Why Does It Always Rain On Me?

It always rains at Monmouth Park.

Or so I presume, since 100% of my visits to the Jersey Shore track have involved weather conditions which could most charitably be described as monsoon-like. That said, on this occasion we stayed entirely dry – a welcome change from our Breeders’ Cup experience at Monmouth when our seats […]

Some Things You Need To See In Person

With so much high-quality racing on tap for this weekend, one would think that ESPN and/or ABC could make room in their busy schedule for at least Rachel Alexandra’s appearance in the Haskell, but apparently they are more fully committed to their broadcast of the X Games, some sort of NASCAR event, a relatively minor […]

Saratoga & the Shore

It’s opening week at Saratoga and things get going with some celerity – the 2-year-olds step out in the Sanford on Thursday, and this Saturday the featured race is the Jim Dandy. But much of the focus at Saratoga so far this week has been on the workouts – Rachel Alexandra turned in her final […]

A Very Busy Weekend

It’s a big sports weekend all around – the Virginia Derby, the Del Cap and, of course, the Gold Cup. Granted, some racing fans may be wondering what the Gold Cup is, but if you feel it necessary to avoid soccer talk, you can simply skip the today’s final paragraphs.

I have long maintained that […]

Superfecta’s Preakness Adventure

The day began early, with your intrepid Superfecta hoping to squeeze in a 10K run before the smallest member of the household awoke. Despite setting a halfway-decent pace, by the time I returned from my run he was already up and enjoying some Backyardigans – I hoped my failure to achieve my own goal would […]

2009 Preakness – On the Record

Looking over the Preakness undercard made me realize they start the show early down south – the Allaire DuPont goes off at 10.44! Depending on Amtrak and my luck with scalpers, I may or may not make it in time for the first few races. Here are a few undercard highlights:

Race 2 – Alliare […]

Preakness Plans

While the Preakness draw won’t take place until tomorrow, we have a reasonably good idea of the field at this point. Rachel Alexandra should be in (after Sunday’s brush fire of idiocy) and Friesan Fire is now definitely a go as well. Derby victor Mine That Bird had a surprise workout the other day and […]

Casting a Long Shadow

The Preakness field is still very much a work in progress, but in addition to Mine That Bird, Musket Man, Papa Clem, Pioneerof the Nile and General Quarters, Friesan Fire is now likely for the race. New shooters Terrain, Big Drama, Take the Points and Hull are planning to meet at Pimlico, and while there’s […]