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This Is What I’m Talking About, People

After something of a lackluster summer so far for American horse racing (the stalwart efforts of Blind Luck, Havre de Grace and, occasionally, their jockey cams excepted), things are finally moving in an interesting direction. No, not the announcement that the Breeders’ Cup is going back to Santa Anita – that seemed something of a […]

Preakness 2011: On the Record

Preakness day is fast approaching, with the usual focus on the Derby winner and his connections, although we have so far been spared the Second Coming of Secretariat talk that occasionally pops up after a particularly emphatic Derby win – no doubt the strength (or lack thereof) of this year’s field contributes to that, though […]

All Hail Kegasus? Sure.

For those of you who don’t know I blog about horse racing, yes, I do that too – and for those of you who don’t know I blog about craft beer, see the previous answer. It’s about time a story brought the two together.

It would be hard to argue that Pimlico has much to […]

Breeders’ Cup Friday Roundup

Will Blind Luck get Blingeed?

For your browsing convenience, here are all the Friday Breeders’ Cup posts collected together. Might a female trainer win the Marathon? Will Midday repeat in the Filly & Mare Turf? Will Blind Luck prove she’s more than just the best 3-year-old filly in the land? Will the eventual […]

Busy Belmont Week

Doing what he does best

While things remain ludicrously busy in Superfectaland (a new job, Philly Beer Week and the World Cup are all converging), we don’t want to neglect racing, especially during Met Mile/Belmont week.

First, of course, we must give props to Quality Road in the Met Mile for another fine performance. […]

Preakness Wrap-up & Business Woes

Youngest horse + youngest jockey = Preakness win

Lookin At Lucky finally had his luck change, and another Preakness is in the books. Â While Lucky’s win was not unexpected, First Dude and Jackson Bend’s efforts to round out the trifecta were a little more surprising. Â First Dude showed he’s more than just […]

NBC + Bravo + Women + Sports = FAIL

Hey, ladies – did you know you like to watch the Kentucky Derby because you are distracted by shiny, pretty things? Â You don’t really like sports – NBC’s senior vice president of marketing, Mike McCarley, said so:

“Women are watching the Derby more for the spectacle than the sporting event,” McCarley said. “There’s a […]


Mmm, cake and beer

A long post was planned to preview this weekend, but your intrepid author has a smashed and largely useless left hand, so typing is not on the agenda for the next few days. Instead, here are a few quick lines:

Blue Grass – C’mon, Odysseus! Check out Hello Race Fans […]

Yes, We’re on Hiatus for the Dubai World Cup…

Were you aware? Freddie Ljungberg is also a talented soccer player.

The Family Superfecta is heading to Seattle for MLS First Kick, so there will be nothing horse-related (here) this week. You can catch a short piece at Hello Race Fans later, or if you are deeply intrigued, follow our soccer and foodie […]

That Would Be Nice

Rachel Alexandra, at work last weekend – will she go to Arkansas?

The rumored purse-bump for the Apple Blossom was announced today, and by all accounts, it seems to have come about the right way. Should Rachel Alexandra and Zenyatta both appear at Oaklawn Park in the April 3rd race, there will be $5 […]