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Weekend Preview

The Man O’ War should be well worth watching; Curlin has quite a task ahead of him. Red Rocks, Better Talk Now and Grand Couturier are all strong contenders, and I keep expecting Sudan to figure it out at some point. This race might be a little short for Better Talk Now, but it’s always […]

Where Alph, The Sacred River, Ran

As some other TBA bloggers have noted, there was a lovely New York Times article on Karakorum Racing over the weekend. I’ve never loved the way they name their horses (Karakorum Insert-Name-Here) and would be excited to see them named after Silk Road archaeological sites (or even after bits of Coleridge – wouldn’t Stately Pleasure […]


The comments area at Tim Woolley Racing is going to be disabled in the near future; I’m very impressed that the stalwart Alex Brown has managed to keep up with it for so long, and it’s nice he’s going to continue to offer updates.

Back in the day when I worked at a dot-com-that-shall-remain-nameless (hint: […]