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Will Bambera and Christine Daae Overshadow the Boys?

¡Bienvenida a Florida, Bambera!

This weekend’s Florida Derby looks a little easier with Eskenderya’s removal to the Wood Memorial; in his absence, Rule is the deserving favorite as the only horse in the field with a US graded stakes win. Handicappers quite rightly don’t like betting horses at such short prices, but they may […]

The Peer of Zeus?

Was Polyphemus in pursuit?

The Tampa Bay Derby was, perhaps, last Saturday’s most dramatic race, and one can look at Odysseus’ win two ways – as a horse who gets himself into trouble (but still manages to win), or as a horse who fights to win despite the odds. The latter is a more […]

The Barbaro Family Good News/Bad News

First, the good news; little brother Lentenor broke his maiden impressively at Gulfstream Park yesterday in a 1 1/16 turf race. Granted, he was only facing fellow maidens, but his finish was very nice indeed, noting especially how he pulled away on turf. While it’s hardly time to start penciling him in for the Derby, […]