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Superfecta’s Preakness Adventure

The day began early, with your intrepid Superfecta hoping to squeeze in a 10K run before the smallest member of the household awoke. Despite setting a halfway-decent pace, by the time I returned from my run he was already up and enjoying some Backyardigans – I hoped my failure to achieve my own goal would […]

If They Were Me, And I Was You

Old Fashioned lived up to his hype in the Southwest yesterday; his win was nothing short of thoroughly professional. He did not seem fazed by his layoff prior to the race nor the tougher competition – it’s easy to see why he’ll be the Derby favorite in the next future wager pool. Of course, there’s […]

Yes, He Can!

On occasion, I like horses to prove me wrong. Colonel John did just that in the Travers, demonstrating that not only could he run on a conventional dirt track, he could do so after a tough stretch run and against a determined competitor. I wish the finish had been a micron closer, however, because Mambo […]

Stud Notes

It’s been a busy week or so in the breeding world; tiny Megahertz had a Giants Causeway colt while Intercontinental’s contribution to her illustrious family is an Empire Maker filly.

Real Quiet is off stallion duty while being treated at NBC for problems with his back feet; I have always felt that he is a […]