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Word is in the Pyro is off to Darley at some point in the not-too-distant future; it must be nice to have things decided so early in one’s career (although hey, at six lifetime starts, he only needs three more to equal Smarty Jones in total starts – just not as many wins) – at […]

Whither Randy Moss?

Pity poor John Servis – he had a brush with possible greatness (or at least Very Goodness) with Smarty Jones, had a rough ride with Rockport Harbor and lost Hard Spun to Larry Jones after picking him out for Rick Porter. Now he has a truly thankless task ahead of him – he must attempt […]

A Zed & Two Noughts

There’s plenty of action on the Derby trail this weekend; Z Humor (right) is the big name in the Sam F. Davis and the Southwest is almost a weekend race (for those who actually have the day off) featuring the much-hyped Denis of Cork. Cowboy Cal is sticking to turf for the time being in […]

Preakness Preparations

The Washington Post is certainly gearing up for the Preakness; Todd Pletcher’s inability to win a Triple Crown race is analyzed (and “a horse racing blogger” is quoted in the article for good measure — nice to see we’re being noticed) and indeed, analysis seems to be on Pletcher’s mind:

“I don’t second-guess; I try […]

Sensible Workouts

Street Sense had a fast workout today and it seems all systems are go. The Blood-Horse questions the perceived detrimental effects of fast workouts and ‘harder’ training techniques in light of Street Sense’s victory with a solid 2-year-old foundation and Hard Spun’s bullet work setting him up nicely for second — compared with the rest […]

Derby 2007: On the Record

Finally, I’ve made some actual decisions about the Derby (with full notes on the complete field here):

Total investment: $27How: $21 in advance wagering, $6 in future wagersSelections: A bunch of exacta boxes featuring various combinations of Nobiz Like Shobiz, Any Given Saturday, Street Sense, Circular Quay*, Great Hunter and Hard SpunFuture wager picks: Great […]