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Invasor – He Is The Best!

How good is Invasor? (And how cool is Fernando Jara?) I was actually more impressed by his gutsy effort in the Donn than his Breeders’ Cup victory, and his stretch duel with the fantastic Premium Tap today was tremendous. Discreet Cat even looked a bit green (with his limited number of lifetime starts, perhaps that’s […]

A Message From A Muse?

My iPod keeps coming back to Honey Ryder by Cinerama (or The Wedding Present, depending on which name you prefer to use — either way it’s David Gedge) — clearly it’s a sign that she’s in it to win the Dubai Sheema Classic today.

When Euterpe speaks, I listen…

(I also stumbled over an Ian […]

Dubai World Cup Weekend

There’s plenty of British and Irish coverage of the Dubai World Cup (and I can fully appreciate that English sportswriters are looking for something to cover besides England’s wildly lackluster win over Andorra (Andorra!) in Euro 2008 qualifying following so rapidly on the heels of their draw with Israel) — it would be nice if […]

Hard Spun Is Back – Will George Washington Follow?

Hard Spun looked great in the Lane’s End — clearly his love for Polytrack was as advertised. Trainer Larry Jones put the win in perspective:

I’m not looking forward to taking on any of them, with Great Hunter, Street Sense and Any Given Saturday all sitting there, and now maybe this horse, who doesn’t really […]

Bye Bye, Bay Meadows

Developers have been trying to buy the land Bay Meadows sits on for years; it’s prime Silicon Valley real estate and the imperative seems to be to build more overpriced identical condos and cheaply-built, equally-overpriced office space on a part of the peninsula that can’t really support further development. (This is an opinion based on […]


Ravel is off the Derby trail with a possible fracture; he seemed to be coming along nicely so it’s a shame, but it sounds like it’s nothing too serious and that we will see him later in the year. (This further reinforces my suspicion that FuPegs burn out quickly, but I digress). It seems that […]

Questions Remain

The Tampa Bay Derby was certainly a great race; both Street Sense and Any Given Saturday showed a lot of determination. But did it take too much out of Street Sense? That’s certainly been the rumor going around, which seems to have been backed up somewhat by his trainer:

We got tired, we got […]

Set Your TiVos

I’m looking forward to actually watching some horse racing on television this weekend; The Rebel and the Tampa Bay Derby should both be well worth watching. The San Felipe could be useful, but I’m a bit less excited about the entrants. Cobalt Blue is getting a lot of hype, but I haven’t seen much to […]

(Kiplingcotes) Derby Day

Today is the latest installment (or instalment, if you prefer) of England’s oldest horse race, the Kiplingcotes Derby — the local news report suggests there may be a good number of entrants this year.

A brief history: the race has been run annually since 1519 (according to most accounts — although the rules were drawn […]

Every Day is Ladies’ Day With Me

Ouija Board is officially in foal to Kingmambo (and is apparently having a lovely time with her new friend Film Maker at Lane’s End Farm — thanks to Left at the Gate for the tip). She’s stay at Lane’s End for a while and then head back home to Newmarket where her foal will be […]