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Glorious Goodwood

While Saratoga continues apace here, Glorious Goodwood kicks off today in Britain, with a number of Group 2 and 3 races on the card. Tomorrow promises to be Aiden O’Brien’s big day, with Henrythenavigator (pictured) in the Sussex Stakes, looking for his fourth Group 1 win; O’Brien himself will be aiming for number sixteen for […]

Horses Americans Should Know V: Montmartre

Given Curlin’s (relatively) disappointing finish in the Man O’ War, many European betting agencies have upped his odds for the Arc; they have also installed a new favorite in the appropriately-named Montmartre. Montmartre won the Grand Prix de Paris yesterday (Bastille Day, as you no doubt noticed) in very impressive style (video).

Despite his win, […]