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Back soon…

Apologies for the lack of updates, Toddler Superfecta has been sick since last weekend and so we’ve been rather busy with that (although you could say that all the Albuterol and Pulmicort around the house make me feel like trainer’s name redacted). I have a lot of good things to say about The Tin Man, […]

Long Weekend Preview

Street Sense is back to ‘possible‘ for the Belmont, Nobiz Like Shobiz is not likely and Slew’s Tizzy is on his way, but there’s plenty to look forward to in the meantime. The Hanshin Cup at Arlington Park features favorite Lewis Michael (pictured) facing Purim and Barbican (who has never quite reached his potential, in […]

Commissioner Superfecta

Alan at Left at the Gate sagely linked to an article bemoaning the fact that there is no commissioner of horse racing. It’s a great read and I fully agree with every point in the article. So, for your enjoyment, here’s my platform as a candidate for commissioner of horse racing:

Safety – We can […]

The Curlin Conglomerate

In case you were looking for the back story on how Curlin’s ownership group came into being, the short version is up now on The Blood-Horse. The Courier-Journal has a bit more detail (and they seem to enjoy dropping in the factoid about how partial owners Bill Gallion and Shirley Cunningham, who also own the […]

Better than a Triple Crown

Curlin and Street Sense both put in phenomenal performances in the Preakness; it just so happened that Curlin’s was more so on the day. While the rest of the American public may yawn now that there is no Triple Crown on the line, for the racing fan there’s a more exciting prospect — a rivalry. […]

Preakness Day

Well, Preakness day is here and the weather seems like it will cooperate. ESPN’s breakfast show was good fun; Street Sense looked alert and ready in his gallop this morning. The Baltimore Sun wants us to enjoy a mint julep or two for the Preakness (since the Black Eyed Susan is a truly revolting drink), […]

Preakness Undercard

While Andrew Beyer is picking against Street Sense in the Preakness, I’m not bowled over by his reasoning in this case. I can see not wanting to go with chalk, but he’s working on the ‘perfect Derby trip’ scenario. I’m of the opinion there are horses who don’t quite deserve to be there who get […]

Preakness Field Notes

It’s been an odd pre-Preakness news cycle; there are more articles about Hard Spun (here, Hard Spun’s early training; here, Larry Jones complains about no one getting in Street Sense’s way; here, Hard Spun as stable sofite, etc.) than Derby victor Street Sense (unless you include this article on sire Street Cry’s phone ringing off […]

Friday at Pimlico

While I hope NBC’s telecast of the Preakness is a little more substantive than the Derby was, at least I have ESPN’s ‘day before‘ coverage to enjoy — I am confident will be thorough and professional. As much as I believe the Triple Crown should be on national television, they seem to have much less […]

TiVo-Blogging the Preakness Draw

Being a listing of some random thoughts that occurred to me during my slightly delayed viewing of the Preakness draw (and I’m pleased Street Sense has an outside post so that we can settle the whole ‘rail’ thing):

Good elements:

Kenny Mayne, Randy Moss and Jeannine Edwards. More, please! Debunking the ‘tight turns’ myth […]