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Not Quite Lambert, Hendricks & Ross Cool

The Blood-Horse’s Tom LaMarra noted earlier this week that our fair commonwealth of Pennsylvania has launched a marketing campaign to make the track ‘cool’ again. I noticed an ad on on Tuesday and it prompted mixed emotions; while I was pleased to see that someone had taken the initiative to buy ad space, the […]

This Year’s Modest Proposal

In a discussion inspired by Joe Drape’s very interesting article about drugs in racing (legal and otherwise), Mr. Superfecta came up with a novel idea – why not create an event to showcase horses who can prove they are running drug-free? While we initially kicked around the notion of a nice mid-size track (for our […]

Del Cap Recap

Del Cap day went like clockwork as per usual; there was a nice breeze to mitigate the heat and the track management has clearly made some improvements to the sound system and video displays since last year which were much appreciated — you could actually hear the race calls.

Smart and Fancy defended her title […]

Del Cap Wrap-Up

All in all, Del Cap day went well for me — I ended up about $40 up, so that’s a job well done in my opinion. I had a few nice longshots on the undercard and I was pleased to see my exacta for the Caesar Rodney come in. I was not expecting a payout […]