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Big Drama

While much of the news over the long weekend focused on Big Brown’s latest quarter crack (Fran’s HoofBlog will be getting more details direct from his farrier later in the week, so keep checking for updates), the rumors over who will ride Casino Drive continue to swirl. Garrett Gomez is now definitely out of that […]

Pulling for Teuflesberg

Looking back on my pre-weekend post, I seem rather worryingly prescient — on the positive side, I called the trifecta in the Shadwell Turf Mile and was close on the First Lady, but I also worried whether things were amiss in the Teuflesberg camp, perhaps with good reason. It sounds as though we can be […]

Tin Hat At The Ready

The Lawyer Ron legal kerfuffle (see this history here) has been settled for now, although everything is confidential. But it sounds as though both sides are happy at present:

Stonewall general manager Bert Welker said he is looking forward to the day Lawyer Ron officially joins the farm’s 12-horse stallion roster.

“I know we would […]

Team Old Guys

Today seems to be the day to check in with the equine senior citizens’ brigade; Storm Cat is apparently still enjoying his job at 24 (and if you have a bit of ready cash, you will have the opportunity to purchase his recent paramour Fleet Indian this November), and John Henry has (finally) mellowed a […]


Much has been made already about the decision to point Curlin toward the Jockey Club Gold Cup rather than what is now a fairly anemic field for the Travers (with the exception of Street Sense, who will presumably be enjoying a paid workout). My sense is that there would be less chatter about it if […]

We’re Off To See The Tin Man

While it’s a shame we won’t be seeing Better Talk Now this weekend in the Sword Dancer (which, really, should make it a walkover for English Channel if he’s in good form), we do have an exciting Arlington Million to look forward to. It’s hard not to root for The Tin Man (and I’m not […]

Geldings Gone Wild

Lava Man proved once again what a gutsy horse he is; his threepeat in the Hollywood Gold Cup may not put him in the same company as John Henry at this point, but let’s celebrate what he has accomplished nonetheless. Despite perhaps having lost a step in the trip to Dubai and back, he clearly […]

Charming ‘Men’

It’s the old warhorses headlining things this weekend (now that the injured Invasor will not be part of the Suburban picture); both Lava Man and The Tin Man are aiming for threepeats in their respective races. Lava Man is hoping to match Native Diver’s streak of Hollywood Gold Cup victories, and The Tin Man’s run […]