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Bow Ties Are Cool

In a season lacking a standout 3-year-old, and with stalwart Gio Ponti not having found his best form, Havre de Grace and Blind Luck have been making their own headlines. Both fillies have stellar resumes in their own rights: Blind Luck’s many wins include the Kentucky Oaks, the Alabama, the Vanity and the Del Cap, […]

Stephen Foster Weekend

While it may seem to the rest of the world that racing disappears in between the Belmont and the Breeders’ Cup (they do know about the Breeders’ Cup, right?), there’s plenty going on this weekend. The Stephen Foster features Master Command (pictured) and Magna Graduate from Pletcher’s barn. The race might include a rabbit for […]

More Tragedy

Now it’s really an unbelievable season — Saint Liam has died after a paddock accident. He was apparently ‘goofing off‘ and simply fell, shattering his hind leg.


It’s been a rough few months to be a racing fan.

Update: There are more articles now, including those in the NY Times, the Courier-Journal and the […]