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2010 Belmont Stakes: On the Record

It'll be Ice Box – unless it's not.

True, it may not seem like the most distinguished group ever to line up for the Belmont – but where they truly fit in is hard to judge at this point in the year; someone could become a break-out star. Nick Zito makes a good point […]

Busy Belmont Week

Doing what he does best

While things remain ludicrously busy in Superfectaland (a new job, Philly Beer Week and the World Cup are all converging), we don’t want to neglect racing, especially during Met Mile/Belmont week.

First, of course, we must give props to Quality Road in the Met Mile for another fine performance. […]

Preakness Ponderings

Can Calvin win back-to-back Preaknesses?

The Preakness draw will take place this evening at 5 pm, but post position is much less of an issue at Pimlico – especially as the field size has been decreased with the absence of Hurricane Ike, who is out with a leg injury. A Little Warm was declared […]

Kentucky Derby Wrap-Up – Baltimore Bound?

Calvin may run out of fingers on which to count Derby wins

Another Kentucky Derby is in the books, and for the third time in four years, Calvin Borel’s name appears in the record. Todd Pletcher finally got his long-elusive Derby win, as did WinStar Farms.  Super Saver became the second son of […]