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Travers Day

Travers weekend is upon us, and for once, we’ll get some decent mainstream television coverage on ESPN – although the Ballston Spa won’t be shown live, the other major stakes races on Saratoga’s Saturday card will be. There’s quite a bit to cover, so let’s get to it.

Ballston SpaThis is a really interesting one […]

Not Quite Lambert, Hendricks & Ross Cool

The Blood-Horse’s Tom LaMarra noted earlier this week that our fair commonwealth of Pennsylvania has launched a marketing campaign to make the track ‘cool’ again. I noticed an ad on on Tuesday and it prompted mixed emotions; while I was pleased to see that someone had taken the initiative to buy ad space, the […]

Catch Up, Tune In

This year’s Alabama may not have had a filly in Rachel Alexandra’s class, but that didn’t stop Careless Jewel from emulating her in a big-margin victory (and running a 106 in the process). One also might view the race as the year’s second major Canadian incursion, after Mine That Bird’s earlier success up north – […]

On to the Woodward…

It’s official – Rachel Alexandra will take on the bigger boys in the Woodward. The announcement was made this morning after another one of her ‘routine’ clocker-stunning workouts. While I’m a little disappointed I won’t be able to see her in person again for this one, I think it’s the more interesting move to make […]

Moon of Alabama?

The collective connections of the fillies in the Alabama are no doubt breathing a sigh of relief at the absence of Rachel Alexandra. Without her long shadow looming over them, we get the chance to note that they are a nice group – they may not be as freakishly talented, but they have, for the […]

Not an Epic Fail, But Needs Work

I finally had a chance to look at the rules for the Social Media category of the Breeders’ Cup Media Awards; while I’m glad they decided to come to the party (if a bit late), I must admit I’m not terribly impressed by their grasp of social media – nor am I thrilled that they […]

Horses Americans Should Know VII: Sea the Stars

While the US racing world waits for news of where Rachel Alexandra will appear next after another effortless bullet work, European racing fans got a chance to see their all-conquering hero again today when Sea the Stars set a track record at York in the Juddmonte International. The 3-year-old colt had scared off most of […]

Einstein, Zenyatta et al.

If you go by Google News, you may think the only races taking place this weekend are the Arlington Million and the Clement Hirsch – but there’s a lot more going on beyond those two (and I think you’d be hard-pressed to support the notion that anyone beyond the usual suspects would be watching the […]

Louisville Floods & Racing History

It’s typically an extremely rare occurrence when my worlds collide – oddly, this is the second time it has happened this year.

As many in the archival world know, I write about horse racing. And some in the horse racing world have a vague idea that I’m an archivist, but people in both spheres are […]

A Lot Happened

It’s been a busy few days in the racing world.

Rachel Alexandra’s triumphant Haskell performance was quickly followed Monday by Quality Road returning to the track in record-breaking form – perhaps she does have some 3-year-old competition after all. We’ll focus on those a bit more in a moment, but first, let’s do a quick […]