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On the Charismatic Documentary

Chris Antley was the first jockey I had a crush on.

It would, perhaps, be more accurate to say Chris Antley was the only jockey I ever had a crush on, but that probably goes without saying. But he was young (although older than we were, which made him interesting), blond and got to ride […]

Coming Soon

This week’s first (real) post will appear later on Tuesday…I’ve got to go vote first…

RIP, Hesanoldsalt

In case you’ve missed the news, Hesanoldsalt died yesterday after a freak accident at Palm Meadows — it seems he got loose, ran wild and hit a tree. This is upsetting news on a number of fronts, but I’m particularly sad to see a son of Broad Brush go out in that manner.

Obviously good […]

Sad Interlude

This is sad news indeed — Friel’s For Real died a few weeks ago of unknown causes at Overbrook Farm. I was a big fan of hers, so it’s upsetting from that perspective; she was in foal to Street Cry, and I’m sure there’s also an economic cost being felt there as well.

She was […]

The Bionic Kitty

This is almost completely un-horse-related, but here goes: blogging may be a bit intermittent this week as we’re in the midst of cat surgery and recovery. Snorri, the Official Superfecta HQ Kitty, is having his second major orthopedic surgery (and fourth lifetime surgery) today. He’s having his right front ankle fused so that he can […]

Back soon…

Apologies for the lack of updates, Toddler Superfecta has been sick since last weekend and so we’ve been rather busy with that (although you could say that all the Albuterol and Pulmicort around the house make me feel like trainer’s name redacted). I have a lot of good things to say about The Tin Man, […]

Damn that short-term memory

At least, that’s what most of the Preakness contenders will be saying by around 6.30 pm tomorrow, according to this article on how racehorses think. But they need not worry about the details — Barbaro now has a Wikipedia entry, so anything worth remembering will no doubt wind up there. It didn’t mention that Diabolical […]


So, why a new horse racing blog? I’ll let Ranganathan set it up:Personality: I wasn’t finding one I wanted to read on a regular basis, so it seemed I had to set up a new one myselfMatter: I intend to cover other industry news, not just the Triple Crown and Breeders’ CupEnergy: It will be […]