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Statueque Single Lady Seeks Accomplished Gentleman: Zenyatta’s Choice

Snow is not a worry for this California girl

Joe Drape has a nice catch-up article on Zenyatta’s life on the farm, and he zeroes in on the biggest question about the nation’s favorite mare – not whether or not she’ll be Horse of the Year (though we find that out on Monday […]

The Official Superfecta 2009 Year in Review

It almost seems we racing fans have experienced a karmic reversal this year; after the lows of the previous few years, we were treated to nothing less than history – live. So, without further ado, here are the top ten moments in horse racing for 2009, as seen from Superfecta HQ:

10) Einstein wins the […]

Wins, Losses and a Mysterious Breeders’ Cup Picture

The past weekend’s racing raised almost as many questions as it answered, but two were given an unqualified affirmative – yes, Sea the Stars is really that good, and yes, Summer Bird loves New York. Surprising losses both at home and abroad, however, are keeping the Breeders’ Cup picture mysteriously cloudy – and we’ll start […]

JCGC and Things French

It’s Super Saturday at Belmont and there are two days of spectacular racing at Longchamp, so let’s get right to it. First up, the outstanding card at Belmont.

The Beldame is suffering somewhat from the absence of Icon Project (I don’t think anyone ever seriously thought Zenyatta was going to fly to New York for […]

Quick Hits

Time is short today, so we are limited to a few brief bullet points:

Lava Man back in training – the ‘Behind the Music‘ version is very informative.

Zenyatta to possibly run a few times next year – hey, that would be half her season this year already! How about Keeneland instead of Santa Anita? […]

Looking Forward by Looking Back: Breeders’ Cup Marathon

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At first glance, the Breeders’ Cup Marathon might seem as though it was designed to attract the European horses bred for longer distances; but while the Marathon is relatively new to the American racing scene, having only been added to the schedule last year, its new 1 3/4 distance […]

Things International and Coastal Girl Power

Much of the news this week seems to carry a bit of an international flavor; there is talk that Wesley Ward’s successes at Royal Ascot will bring more American horses (especially sprinters – Cannonball narrowly missed out on winning the Golden Jubilee). The Guardian put his accomplishments rather quaintly:

A top-class Ascot success for an […]

Royal Ascot Day Three: All Yeats

Day three of Royal Ascot could only be about Yeats – but before we move on to his history-making fourth Gold Cup win, we’ll review some of the other races on the card.

There was no luck for Wesley Ward this time in the Norfolk Stakes – Yogaroo slammed into the favorite Monsieur Chevalier (who […]

Royal Ascot: Day 2

There was a bit of fallout from Johnny Murtagh’s ‘enthusiastic’ ride on Mastercraftsman yesterday – he got a one-day ban for excessive whip use in the St. James’s Palace Stakes. He picked up another six-day ban for his ‘careless’ ride in the Ascot Stakes, so he’s now up to seven days off after just one […]

In Defense of the Dirt Marathon

This post also appears on The Blood-Horse.

There are certainly some reasons to criticize the Dirt Marathon. You can argue that it is a misnomer; it isn’t even really on dirt, and much of the rest of the racing world finds its mile and a half distance rather less than daunting. You might point […]