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Everyone’s a Hero

I didn’t actually watch the Eclipse Awards myself, since Monday night is sacrosanct – House and How I Met Your Mother both take precedence, even on TiVo. But it sounds like I didn’t miss much: Curlin repeated as Horse of the Year, all the expected names won in their respective categories (although I would argue […]

Turn Around, Bright Eyes (2008)

The Eclipse Awards presented (in the words of Radiohead) no surprises; Curlin was duly crowned Horse of the Year and Three-Year-Old Colt – ESPN notes that only last year, he had yet to make his first start. Chief owner Jess Jackson continued to send out positive signals about Curlin’s continued career on the track, but […]

Normal Service Resumes

Apologies for the dearth of posts lately, I’ve been out of town and then very, very busy (and I don’t even get free press passes anymore, so that slows me down). The Eclipse Awards were as you would expect — no real news to report there.

I am very much looking forward to Sweetnorthernsaint’s return […]

Turn Around, Bright Eyes

I’ve had ample time to consider my Eclipse Award would-be votes; now that we have finalists, here are my thoughts:

Steeplechase: McDynamo — I’m not sure why they bothered putting anyone else as a finalist, we know he’s the one.

Older Male: Looks like Invasor. If only we had more older males to consider…

Breeder: […]