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The Woodward and a Flu Update

It’s nice to see that the Woodward is drawing a competitive field — Lawyer Ron will likely be the headliner after his career-best performance last time out, but Diamond Stripes and Corinthian are certainly worthy competitors. I’m going with sentiment and sticking with Brass Hat to win, but would not be surprised to see a […]

Legitimate Lawyer Ron?

Street Sense’s relatively easy win in the Jim Dandy seems to have been somewhat overshadowed by whether or not Lawyer Ron (pictured) broke the track record in the Whitney, with the pros and cons well summed up over at The Last Filly.

The main argument seems to be that Lawyer Ron could not have possibly […]

The Whitney: FOBs, Set Your TiVos!

This weekend marks the (televised) beginning of the new Breeders’ Cup ‘Win and You’re In‘ format. That means the possible Classic, Distaff and Sprint entrants will be facing off in the Whitney, Go for Wand and Alfred G Vanderbilt; out of the three races, the Whitney seems the most likely to provide a longshot for […]

A Modest Proposal

Apologies for the lack of updates, the Family Superfecta was away for a lovely long weekend at Dogfish Head the beach and is only now returning to something resembling normal functioning.

Brass Hat’s return to racing is certainly welcome — not only is the six-year-old gelding back after a serious injury, he’s breaking track records. […]

Just Say No II

As has been widely reported, Deep Impact is likely to be disqualified from his third-place Arc finish due to a positive drug test. As in the case of Brass Hat and the Dubai World Cup, the problem is the usual one with international racing and drugs — no one agrees what is (or should be) […]


Superfecta is back from her family emergency and normal updates will now resume.

It has been a busy news week; obviously Barbaro’s condition is the biggest worry right now. The Washington Post details the latest surgery and the problems in the other hind leg; the NY Times covers much the same territory, but with some […]

Just Say No?

Brass Hat’s DQ was upheld by the Emirates Racing Authority; while it’s not an unexpected outcome, it is disappointing since he truly deserved his second place finish and the resulting purse. Stateside, trainer Steve Asmussen’s suspension for ‘medication infractions’ was similarly upheld in Louisiana. While the types of drugs in question are quite different in […]