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A Great (Secret) Weekend of Racing

There is a great weekend of racing to look forward to – it’s a shame it’s going to be hidden away on HRTV and TVG. Check out today’s Green but Game for a fantastic open letter to the NTRA on this very topic; she is spot on!

Here’s what anyone […]

Ambassador Curlin

With the Triple Crown over, we can finally turn our attention back to the real deal – Curlin. Despite grumblings from trainer Steve Asmussen over the high weight he has been assigned (even though that weight is lower than what he carried in the Jaguar Trophy in Dubai), it seems all systems are go […]

We Criticize Because We Love

There are some great moments in Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. There are also a number of brain-hurtingly bad things that could have been easily avoided with just a quick glance at Google Maps which make someone like me with a bunch of otherwise useless degrees in drinking archaeology get rather […]

Jockey Changes and Lawsuits

While it may seem as though it’s all Big Brown, all the time (and hey, you may as well get it while you can), there are, in fact, some older horses in training. Brass Hat (pictured) takes aim at the Louisville Handicap this weekend. He’ll be the high weight in the mile and a half […]

Career Paths

While it’s Derby Works a Go-Go at the moment for the 3-year-olds, there’s plenty of actual racing action going on beyond that sphere. In the ‘comeback’ column, first noted at Brooklyn Backstretch, 2005 Preakness runner-up/tripper Scrappy T recently raced at Penn National, getting up for only fourth place in allowance company at Penn National. Finishing […]

Whither Randy Moss?

Pity poor John Servis – he had a brush with possible greatness (or at least Very Goodness) with Smarty Jones, had a rough ride with Rockport Harbor and lost Hard Spun to Larry Jones after picking him out for Rick Porter. Now he has a truly thankless task ahead of him – he must attempt […]

Bon Voyage, Victory Gallop

This weekend sees the rescheduled Santa Monica, featuring Hystericalady and Pussycat Doll and the Strub (with Air Commander, Great Hunter, Slew’s Tizzy and Tiago all back in action) but the headline event should be the Donn Handicap. Dahaar is making his first start for Kiaran McLaughlin since November, but I am most excited about it […]

Curlin’s Future Decided?

The rumor is out that a decision has been made regarding Curlin’s future; since it will likely involve ongoing litigation no matter what, here’s hoping he’ll be in training in 2008. There have certainly been enough retirements this week; Citronnade headed off to the farm after her most recent G1 win in the Dahlia and […]

Where Alph, The Sacred River, Ran

As some other TBA bloggers have noted, there was a lovely New York Times article on Karakorum Racing over the weekend. I’ve never loved the way they name their horses (Karakorum Insert-Name-Here) and would be excited to see them named after Silk Road archaeological sites (or even after bits of Coleridge – wouldn’t Stately Pleasure […]

Proud Member of the Brass Hat Brigade

Have I mentioned lately how much I love Brass Hat? The Boston Herald has a great article on his win in the revived MassCap this past weekend; it seems only fitting that a horse on his second career resurgence win the reborn race. Frankly, I was surprised to see the odds so long on him […]