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Horses Racing?

Well, at least Godolphin managed to scrounge together a few bucks to keep some of their fillies and mares in training – I am genuinely pleased to hear that we will be seeing more of both Cocoa Beach and Music Note. In fact, we should get another chance to see Cocoa Beach before the end […]

I Go Away For A Few Days…

…and everyone retires. It was nice knowing you, Raven’s Pass. It’s a shame poor Sheik Mohammed didn’t have the deep pockets to keep him in training, but jockey Jimmy Fortune was able to give the horse a diplomatic send-off to Kildangan Stud:

“I still don’t think we had seen the best of him but (in […]

The Other Races

Things are rather busy at Casa Superfecta, what with celebrating the national election results (while, as a former Californian, being horrified by the Prop 8 madness) and preparing to head to a conference in DC. As a result, rather than working up some sort of elaborate and entirely nonsensical theory about how Eclipse Award voting […]

Viewed Takes the Melbourne Cup

Well, another Melbourne Cup is in the books, and contrary to the pre-race hype, the Cup stayed in Australian hands. The hands in question are certainly familiar — the win by Viewed gave trainer Bart Cummings his twelfth victory in the race and his 250th Group 1 win overall.

Val has a great wrap-up […]

Civic Responsibility

I know many of us were unhappy about not being able to go to this year’s Breeders’ Cup, but it seems that a certain juror sitting on Ted Stevens’ corruption trial outdid us all:

WASHINGTON (AP) — A juror who vanished during Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens’ corruption trial told the judge Monday she lied […]

About Tomorrow…

On Tuesday, November 4th, a nation will hold its collective breath as the race comes to a close. Few will have their minds on work as they wait for the final result — years of preparation and anticipation have been spent building toward this moment. And we all know what’s at stake: bragging rights as […]

Beware the Kelpie

With two separate parades pending today, my time is somewhat limited. As a result, I will first direct you to last year’s Halloween post, but will also include a few other notes on horses in folklore you may want to be on the lookout for tonight.

If you are near water, beware of the Kelpie […]

Breeders’ Cup: What’s Next?

With the 2008 Breeders’ Cup in the books, the focus shifts almost immediately to next year. Who will be retired? Who is coming back? What are they aiming for? We know the answers for a number of the winners (and contenders) already, but the list is far from complete. In no real particular order, here’s […]

Just The Surface?

Much has been written about the effect the synthetic surface had on the Breeders’ Cup (and I believe there are many legitimate arguments to be made in favor and against them in that regard), but I wonder what role the other ‘new’ element played this year — no steroids. While it’s certainly relevant to examine […]

Raven’s Pass Wins the Classic

On the one hand, I can say that I totally called it; on the other, I didn’t actually bet Raven’s Pass on his own (despite talking him up and including him in all my exotics) so I am a huge loser. But not Raven’s Pass – he’s a winner! Enjoy, and I promise to […]