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Last night, they handed out a few awards for horse racing – you may have heard a bit about it.
2-year-old male: Lookin at LuckyAs per usual with the juvenile awards, there was no surprise here. His three G1 wins sealed the deal, and he looks to improve this year. We’ll soon find out if […]
Like so many promising 2-year-olds before her (Halfbridled, in particular, comes to mind), Stardom Bound (pictured) has had difficulty replicating her early successes; luckily, though, she is being given the opportunity to try her luck at 4. She makes her first start of the year at Santa Anita in the El Encino on Sunday. She […]
Many in the racing community were disheartened to learn of the removal of partymanners‘ well-curated collection of racing videos from YouTube, and there has been some thoughtful commentary from the R2 Collective and Ed DeRosa (among others). Having weighed in on the value partymanners adds to the racing world last year, it only seems right […]
While things are slowly gearing up in Florida and racing continues apace in California, one horse will most definitely be absent – Lava Man has been re-retired after his disheartening comeback race last month. His connections have remained true to their word that he would only remain in training if he could compete at the […]
It almost seems we racing fans have experienced a karmic reversal this year; after the lows of the previous few years, we were treated to nothing less than history – live. So, without further ado, here are the top ten moments in horse racing for 2009, as seen from Superfecta HQ:
10) Einstein wins the […]
If you’re a last-minute holiday shopper still looking to pick up a racing-related item, look no further than Jim Squires’ Headless Horsemen. It’s a thoughtful, often quite entertaining, look at the industry from the ultimate insider/outsider. While Squires is never going to be one of ‘the Dinnies’ whose portraits he rather deliciously paints in the […]
The Breeders’ Cup Board of Directors met last week to discuss a long-term strategic plan(!), and while I generally encourage such things, it sounds like the group did not come up with anything particularly earth-shattering – and a few ideas were simply not well thought out by this group largely comprised of older white men […]
With winter settling in in earnest, there’s not a lot going on in the racing world Stateside. The Rachel Alexandra/Zenyatta Horse of the Year debate continues apace, of course, with Jess Jackson suggesting he’s happy for a little controversy – after all, it keeps horse racing (somewhat) in the public consciousness. The same cannot be […]
As many have noted, Vodka’s thrilling win in the Japan Cup put yet another stamp on the Year of the Filly. With Rachel Alexandra and Zenyatta Stateside, Goldikova in Europe and Vodka in Asia, it almost seems that the colts are an afterthought – indeed, even Down Under, the talk of the racing world is […]
Things are slowly getting back to normal here at Casa Superfecta, after a quick jaunt to the left coast for some soccer (but more on that later). The Breeders’ Cup may be in the history books, but Thanksgiving weekend offers quite a variety of top-level racing.
On Thanksgiving Day at Churchill Downs, Unbridled Belle and […]