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Saratoga Eve

It’s almost Saratoga time and the rumors swirl — will The Green Monkey debut? Is something wrong with Rags to Riches? (and no, I don’t have any inside information on that one). Will Sun King finally score a grade I victory? Steve Haskin makes his case, and it is a compelling one:

Perhaps the most […]

Spa Upsets

Well, I did say I was looking forward to Second of June, right? And I semi-called Pomeroy (right)…if only I’d bet on them. I admit I would not have come up with Premium Tap to win the Woodward, but I was pleased to see Second of June get up there for second. Funny Cide seemed […]

The Woodward

The Woodward is shaping up to be a good race on paper, although it could certainly be quite a washout if Ernesto has anything to say about it. If Flower Alley is back to his usual self, he should be tough to beat, although the same might be said of Sun King. Funny Cide will […]

Party in Dubai

By now Bernardini’s emphatic win in the Travers has been well-analyzed and he certainly does seem to be the horse to beat now. It will be interesting to see him match up against Invasor in the Jockey Club Gold Cup, since he seems to be his only real rival at this point (although I am […]

Travers Weekend Preview

While on paper we finally get a showdown between Bernardini and Bluegrass Cat, the Blood-Horse has a wonderfully-titled article pointing out that there’s more to the Travers than the two headliners: Travers Analysis: Pletcher and the Accidental Rabbits. I do like the suggestion of High Cotton as a spoiler, although I really feel that Bernardini […]