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Dem Bones

Bones seem to be the theme of much TB news this week…apart from the obvious Barbaro updates (more on those later), it has been announced that Kentucky Horse Park’s International Museum of the Horse has asked for the skeleton of Lexington to be returned to Kentucky.

For the uninitiated, Lexington was the most famous American […]


Superfecta is back from her family emergency and normal updates will now resume.

It has been a busy news week; obviously Barbaro’s condition is the biggest worry right now. The Washington Post details the latest surgery and the problems in the other hind leg; the NY Times covers much the same territory, but with some […]

Pre-Belmont hiatus

Rather than heading to the Belmont as I was planning to do prior to the Preakness, your friendly neighborhood blogger will instead be heading to the beach to decompress from unpacking countless moving boxes and to prepare to head to a conference the day after the race (even if it is an unlikely spot for […]


Everything continues well on the Barbaro front; his typical day is documented here and he is ‘eating like a king.’ There’s a very well-thought-out piece from the always-spot-on Randy Moss on and another profile of Dr. Richardson. They particularly highlight his candor in his dealings with the press; given the severity of Barbaro’s injury […]

The Oaks

There doesn’t seem to be a lot of dissenting opinion this year…with Wild Fit out, Balance seems to be the only filly with a real shot. It does seem peculiar that the three-year-old colts seem to be a supremely talented bunch this year, and while there are a few standout fillies, there is no real […]

Why the 20-horse field?

Since 1984, the Derby field has been ‘limited’ to 20 horses; prior to that, fields tended to be smaller by default (see the entries for Secretariat’s Derby, right). Granted, even with the possibility of having a full field, it doesn’t often happen (although it’s usually close). Even so, it’s simply too crowded and it becomes […]