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More Rumors

It seems there are some dark Scat Daddy rumors floating around out there; perhaps darker still are those swirling around Patrick Biancone. It’s not clear at this point what prompted the official inquiry:

The Kentucky Horse Racing Authority has initiated an investigation after a search of the Keeneland barn of trainer Patrick Biancone.

John […]

Normal Service Resumes

Apologies for the dearth of posts lately, I’ve been out of town and then very, very busy (and I don’t even get free press passes anymore, so that slows me down). The Eclipse Awards were as you would expect — no real news to report there.

I am very much looking forward to Sweetnorthernsaint’s return […]

Cold Turkey?

The Blood-Horse takes on the drug issue with some incisive commentary and sensible suggestions. Ray Paulick is quite correct when he suggests that the general public has no idea that steroids are perfectly legal in US racing. Indeed, when I lived in the UK it was quite easy to shock people by telling them that […]

Just Say No II

As has been widely reported, Deep Impact is likely to be disqualified from his third-place Arc finish due to a positive drug test. As in the case of Brass Hat and the Dubai World Cup, the problem is the usual one with international racing and drugs — no one agrees what is (or should be) […]

Ups and Downs

While it seems we can once again take a cautiously optimistic view of Barbaro’s situation (here and here as well), the news is not so good for Lost in the Fog. Over the last few days he has gone from being treated for what was thought to be a not-overly-serious case of colic to having […]

Just Say No?

Brass Hat’s DQ was upheld by the Emirates Racing Authority; while it’s not an unexpected outcome, it is disappointing since he truly deserved his second place finish and the resulting purse. Stateside, trainer Steve Asmussen’s suspension for ‘medication infractions’ was similarly upheld in Louisiana. While the types of drugs in question are quite different in […]

Hats Off

Brass Hat was disqualified from his second-place finish in the Dubai World Cup because he had trace amounts of a medication in his system in a post-race test. No one disputes that he was given the drug, but the confusion allegedly arose after his trainer was given a 2-page sheet of allowed medications and medication […]