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Mid-Week Musings

It’s going to be quite a weekend; while the Jockey Club Gold Cup is of course the main event (and I’ll have more thoughts on that later in the week), I am really looking forward to the Shadwell Mile and another chance to see Miesque’s Approval (What can I say? I love his grand-dam, Miesque). […]

Worth the Wait

Wait a While was certainly impressive over the weekend; I’m not sure she is in the same league with Ouija Board at the moment, but there is every chance she could get there next year. It was also nice to see The Tin Man underline his Arlington Million victory with his Clement Hirsch win as […]

Some Good News, Some Not So Good

Apologies for the lack of updates this week; I’m about to start a new job and so it’s been a bit hectic.

I’ve been looking for more details on Afleet Alex’s hernia surgery — it sounds as though all went well, but I am curious to know if this was a known issue or […]

Why Does The Blood-Horse Hate Kenny Mayne?

Although my most recent issue of The Blood-Horse finally has a letter defending Kenny Mayne, I have to wonder who at the publication has it in for him. It seems each issue has at least one letter complaining about him (often in what might best be described as a poorly-crafted attempt at satire) or some […]

Lost in the Fog

As has been widely reported, Lost in the Fog had to be put down on September 17th. There are a number of nice stories, of course, and Wire to Wire had a nice montage today. The official medical statement can be found here. Calder and Golden Gate Fields both put out press releases as well.


Big Round-Up

Cacique looked great in the Man O’ War with some fine efforts from Go Deputy and Showing Up as well. Showing Up did stumble slightly at the start and looked a little rank early on, but I’d say this bodes well for his future against top-class turf horses. Coming in a few jumps behind Cacique […]

Party in Dubai

By now Bernardini’s emphatic win in the Travers has been well-analyzed and he certainly does seem to be the horse to beat now. It will be interesting to see him match up against Invasor in the Jockey Club Gold Cup, since he seems to be his only real rival at this point (although I am […]

Travers Weekend Preview

While on paper we finally get a showdown between Bernardini and Bluegrass Cat, the Blood-Horse has a wonderfully-titled article pointing out that there’s more to the Travers than the two headliners: Travers Analysis: Pletcher and the Accidental Rabbits. I do like the suggestion of High Cotton as a spoiler, although I really feel that Bernardini […]

Lava Man Triumphant

Lava Man certainly returned to form over the weekend in his Pacific Classic victory. Even though he won last time out in the Hollywood Gold Cup, he didn’t seem his usual self and barely held on; this time he was firmly in command. While I’m not entirely sure where he sits compared with the Right […]

Ups and Downs

While it seems we can once again take a cautiously optimistic view of Barbaro’s situation (here and here as well), the news is not so good for Lost in the Fog. Over the last few days he has gone from being treated for what was thought to be a not-overly-serious case of colic to having […]