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Meanwhile, Further West…

‘Undefeated’ has been the hot tag for Derby contenders the last few years (even if they rarely carry that honor away from Churchill Downs); last week saw Big Brown (few starts because of his fragile feet) head to the top of the hype class, and this week we (finally) see Denis of Cork again in […]

A Wide Open Wood?

It is true that War Pass comes into the Wood Memorial looking for ‘redemption‘ – but he’s certainly not the only one. He’s facing a group of horses who are in similar situations, albeit with a less intense light shined on them. Barclay Tagg sends out the lately-underperforming Tale of Ekati; he’s been working bullets […]

Big Brown Heads Across the Pond

As you’ve no doubt heard by now, Big Brown has been sold and will be heading to Epsom to train for the Derby there after winning the Derby here — no doubt the turf will be more comfortable for his sore feet. So, fare thee well, Big Brown, have a Badger Tanglefoot on me…we hardly […]

If the Derby Were This Weekend…

After a digesting a great weekend of racing with the Dubai World Cup and a fascinating Florida Derby, I have prepared for your reading pleasure the official ‘If The Derby Were Saturday’ list of who I’d like to see in the starting gate, along with their next (actual) start. You’ll notice there are not 20 […]