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EI at Emirates Park

Equine influenza continues to march across New South Wales and Queensland, although Victoria still remains flu-free at this point and no horses are allowed into the state from infected areas.

Among the stud farms now affected is Emirates Park (part of the Darley empire) — three yearlings, some mares as well as a teaser […]

Stallion Durability

From the department of It’s About Time, there’s finally a sire durability index, compliments of the Grayson-Jockey Club Research Foundation and The Jockey Club. This list (PDF) only covers stallions standing in North America (or recently standing in North America) and their Northern Hemisphere offspring, but it’s a good start.

In what will probably not […]

Backup Boyfriend?

Racing will resume in Sydney this week at Warwick Farm racecourse, but without any spectators — they will have to watch (and bet) elsewhere to ensure that the biosecurity rules remain in place. There are still strict guidelines for the movement of horses around the country, however, so only horses already stabled at the track […]

Who Will Buy?

The epidemiologists are still on the job in Australia, and they need to be — equine influenza has spread to two breeding farms in the Hunter Valley. Given that the virus is most dangerous to newborn foals and elderly horses, this is especially problematic and could easily scupper the plans under discussion to send some […]