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Derby 2007: On the Record

Finally, I’ve made some actual decisions about the Derby (with full notes on the complete field here):

Total investment: $27How: $21 in advance wagering, $6 in future wagersSelections: A bunch of exacta boxes featuring various combinations of Nobiz Like Shobiz, Any Given Saturday, Street Sense, Circular Quay*, Great Hunter and Hard SpunFuture wager picks: Great […]

Green With Envy?

There is a wonderful summing-up of what $16 million could buy you in terms of Derby horses on; among the highlights:

All 20 of this year’s Kentucky starters would cost much, much less. Based on actual auction prices and estimates on the homebreds, maybe about 13 million give or take a few bags of […]

Now, to the Fillies…

I feel I’ve been neglecting the fillies this year, but without Magnificience (and her 109 Beyer) they are a little less exciting to watch. While Rags to Riches and Dreaming of Anna are worthy favorites for the Oaks today, I also like Octave, although she’s certainly no longshot. Perhaps today will be Pletcher’s day.

On […]

Field Notes

While we’re waiting for the numbers from DataTrack (which I could easily see myself playing with all day if I didn’t have real work to do), here’s my official rundown of the field:

Sedgefield – I like this horse a lot. I am a big fan of his full brother, English Channel and as a […]

Does Steve Know?

More on the post positions tomorrow, but in the meantime, I offer this photo from — does Steve Asmussen know about this?

Aside from the Derby news (which obviously is tricky this week), congrats to John Servis on win number 1000. Hopefully that makes up for not training Hard Spun any more…I wonder what […]

Current Derby Odds

The Courier-Journal has posted Mike Battaglia’s Derby odds on their blog (and this before the post position draw):

Curlin 7-2Street Sense 4-1Circular Quay 8-1Nobiz Like Shobiz 8-1Scat Daddy 10-1Any Given Saturday 12-1Hard Spun 15-1Great Hunter 15-1Tiago 15-1Sam P. 20-1Cowtown Cat 20-1Dominican 20-1Liquidity 30-1Storm in May 30-1Teuflesberg 30-1Zanjero 30-1Stormello 30-1Sedgefield 50-1Bwana Bull 50-1Imawildandcrazyguy 50-1

Initial observations: […]

Hard Spun Spin, The Return

With all the discussion about Hard Spun’s speedy work (too fast? just that good? what does it mean?), it’s been hard to determine exactly what (if anything) it might mean. I’ve finally come down on the side of it being a positive; the Courier-Journal helped nudge me in that direction with this note:

The thing […]

Who Would You Toss Today?

While it seems Cobalt Blue may be on the ‘no’ list (which is just where he wants to be if his last race and workout are anything to go by), there are plenty of other horses who either aren’t quite ready or just should not be in the Derby starting gate come Saturday. My super-biased […]