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Preakness Preparations

The Washington Post is certainly gearing up for the Preakness; Todd Pletcher’s inability to win a Triple Crown race is analyzed (and “a horse racing blogger” is quoted in the article for good measure — nice to see we’re being noticed) and indeed, analysis seems to be on Pletcher’s mind:

“I don’t second-guess; I try […]

Sensible Workouts

Street Sense had a fast workout today and it seems all systems are go. The Blood-Horse questions the perceived detrimental effects of fast workouts and ‘harder’ training techniques in light of Street Sense’s victory with a solid 2-year-old foundation and Hard Spun’s bullet work setting him up nicely for second — compared with the rest […]

Preakness Week

Preakness week is here, but it certainly seems more subdued than last year for obvious reasons. Today’s Baltimore Sun recaps the chain of events that immediately followed Barbaro’s injury and the Chicago Sun-Times features an article noting that ‘Barbaro’s ghosts haunts Preakness.’ While Barbaro will clearly be on everyone’s mind come Saturday, the race that […]

RIP, Storm Boot

Crestwood Farm stallion Storm Boot has died; if you have not yet read Stud: Adventures in Breeding I would suggest you do so now. The chapter chronicling Crestwood Farm is available on their web site, but the entire book is a great read. Crestwood Farm comes out as one of the most sincere and likable […]

Bad News, Good News

While there has been more unfortunate news this week (Cormorant and Sinister G have both died), there is also the heartening news that Xtra Heat and her latest foal are both doing well. The foal in question is a filly by Unbridled’s Song, and Xtra Heat will next be bred to Songandaprayer. She’s had plenty […]

It’s Moneigh Time Again!

It’s that time of year again — John Henry and friends are ready to auction off their art (via ReRun) for charity. The paintings will hit eBay on May 20th; in the meantime, here are some links to some past works and my entry last year about the event.

Da Hoss is really quite talented […]

Secretariat Film Moving Like a Tremendous Machine?

Disney has officially announced that a film about Secretariat is on the way; the film will focus on Penny Chenery and the production team is working closely with William Nack to get the script moving. Nack’s Secretariat: The Making of a Champion is perhaps the finest portrait of a racehorse (and his connections) one could […]

RIP, Chilukki

There is sad news away from the Triple Crown trail this week; champion mare Chilukki has died from foaling complications (and her Ghostzapper foal did not make it either). She was buried intact at Stonerside Stables — quite an honor for any horse, but especially a mare. In addition to winners Chubasco Cat and Chilukki […]

No Pressure, Street Sense!

The bookies have already started the Triple Crown talk for Street Sense; he’s currently 6-4 to win it and 3-1 to follow that up with a Breeders’ Cup Classic victory. Since I can’t get great odds there, would anyone like to make a wager as to how Street Cry’s stud fee will skyrocket?

Somewhat left […]


Fantastic efforts by both Street Sense and Hard Spun, but the day certainly belonged to Street Sense, Calvin Borel and the Churchill Downs rail. Big props to Hard Spun for hanging on for a well-deserved second – he really stepped up just when he needed to, he had the misfortune to be born the same […]